Laurie Ruhlin
ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.
Lists and Numbering
Wednesday, 10:15 am – 10:45 am
You’ve found the buttons to apply bullets and/or numbering to your lists in InDesign. But after they’re applied, you may be clicking around trying to control placement, style, color and manage if a list starts at “1” or annoyingly continues from a previous numbered list on another page. In this quick, to the point session, we’ll add custom bullets, make a character style to apply a color and control the bullet distance from the text and the frame. Then, we’ll number paragraphs, control what the number looks like, and we’ll make awesome paragraph styles to apply a number “1” to the first paragraph then “2, 3 etc”. to the rest of the list in a couple clicks. A must have for a training manual.
We’ll cover:
- Tricks and essential tips for applying bullets and numbering to all your lists
- Understand the new feature “Space Between Paragraphs using Same Style”
- Create a Character Style to color a bullet, or change a font
- Number your figures or graphics with consecutively numbered captions