Ben Willmore
Ben Willmore has been using both Photoshop and Lightroom since their inception. His love for graphic design became apparent as far back as 1981 when he attended Compu-Camp (the computer camp for kids) where he used his first graphics tablet. Three years later he purchased his first Macintosh the very year it was introduced. During college, he worked for a daily newspaper where he became skilled using old-school production techniques such as typesetting, keylining and stat camera operation before transitioning to digital tools as they became available. He has written over a dozen books about Photoshop and was one of the first dozen people to be inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame. With him as your guide, advanced ideas will not be difficult to grasp since he’s dedicated over 25 years of his life to teaching and is known for taking the boogieman out of Photoshop. Ben is also a passionate photographer who has explored all 50 states and more than 85 countries.
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