Hub and Spokes: Leveraging InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Bridge

Hub and Spokes:
Leveraging InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Bridge

Thursday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Join us for a special half-day session that covers InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator… and most importantly: How they work together to form a one-two-three knockout punch. If you use Creative Cloud (CC) or the Creative Suite, it’s a day you won’t want to miss!

Power Production with GREP and Find/Change

Power Production with GREP and Find/Change

Monday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

In this 3-hour workshop we will learn how InDesign’s Find/Change can become our secret weapon when importing, formatting, and cleaning up text. Using the different sections of this underused powerhouse, we will find and format text, objects, and unleash the power of GREP!

Whether you need to apply styles to poorly-formatted text you’ve imported, or make sweeping changes only to items styled a particular way, we will take a step-by-step approach to the Find/Change dialog box and investigate its many, often overlooked features. And — since no one likes to repeat the same action over and over — we’ll cover saving all of our options for future searches.

We will spend part of the class learning GREP and how it should be a vital part of any text cleanup situation. If the idea of GREP has always made you a little nervous, be nervous no more! After seeing what it can do for your text-based workflow, you’ll walk away wondering how you lived without using it for so long. It’s not as scary as it sounds and we will even play some GREP games to make it fun to use!

  • Clean up text quickly, whether it’s your own or imported into your document.
  • Learn how GREP gives you the power to locate and format text based on patterns, rather than specific text.
  • Find and change objects based on their attributes.
  • Use the existing built-in queries for common searches.
  • Learn how to save and share custom queries for easy re-use.
  • Learn tricks to auto-formatting poorly styled text you’ve imported into your document.

Accessibility: Future-Proofing Your Documents

Accessibility: Future-Proofing Your Documents

Monday, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

“Access to information is a fundamental human right”

—George Kerscher, DAISY Consortium

Ensuring that the PDF files you produce are accessible to all is not only a good idea, it’s the right thing to do! In this session, learn about what accessibility means and how you can ensure that the PDF documents that you create from Adobe InDesign are accessible to everyone! In this session, you’ll learn:

  • What is Section 508, and how can you get compliant?
  • How to build an InDesign document the right way
  • Optimizing your documents so that accessibility can be accomplished more easily
  • Controlling content order
  • Using features that already exist in InDesign
  • Best resources to rely on

Become an InDesign Superhero!

Become an InDesign Superhero!

Tuesday, 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Do you sometimes feel like InDesign is your arch-nemesis and not the champion you need it to be? Does working with its features feel like a constant battle between good and evil?

Join Erica as we launch The InDesign Conference and begin our journey to becoming an InDesign superhero! In this ZAP!POW!BOOM! session we will discover the secrets to harnessing the power of InDesign and using that power for good. But remember, “With great power, comes great responsibility.”

After this session, your superpowers will include:

  • Forcing InDesign’s preferences to bend to your will!
  • Flying through documents with ease!
  • Unmasking InDesign’s secret tools!
  • Forging best practices to rule the world*!

*or at least your tiny corner of it

Welcome Reception

Welcome Reception

Monday, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Join us for drinks, nibbles, and a fun opportunity to meet the speakers and fellow attendees! Plus don’t miss this opportunity to fill out your bingo card and win.

AAA (Ask Adobe Anything!)

Special Lunch: AAA (Ask Adobe Anything!)

Wednesday, 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm

Here’s your chance to hear it from the source! Grab some food (provided) and sit down with Adobe’s InDesign and Illustrator product development teams. Learn about CC in 2018 and beyond. Then talk back and know that the right people are listening.

  • Adobe’s philosophy: Why are we here and where are we going?
  • What features do you wish InDesign and Illustrator had?
  • Vote on features you want changed in future versions of Illustrator and InDesign

From 0 to 60 with the InCopy/InDesign Workflow

From 0 to 60 with the InCopy/InDesign Workflow

Thursday, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

A lot of users have misconceptions around what InCopy is and what it’s for. In this session, Anne-Marie discusses the role that InCopy plays in a an environment where design and editorial teams need to work collaboratively on a project to let each team do what they do best. See how InCopy can be used to save departments time and money by alleviating unnecessary and sometimes redundant work. For users who are already using InCopy, you’ll learn some tips to working in InCopy more efficiently.

  • How to setup an InCopy Workflow
  • Understanding InCopy stories and Assignments
  • Text editing efficiencies
  • Tips for archiving projects and sending them to the printer for output