Photoshop for Designers
Monday, 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm
“Damn it, Kirk, I’m a designer, not a Photoshop expert!”
Many designers have a love/hate relationship with Photoshop. On the one hand, it lets you control the universe; but on the other, it can be overwhelming. This session will help with essential Photoshop techniques and concepts that every designer should know:
- Making cutouts (aka silhouettes): How to use Photoshop’s selections tools, layer masks, and (sometimes) the dreaded Pen tool to extract images from their backgrounds.
- The joy of realistic mock ups: Where to find them, how to use them, and how to create your own.
- Use text in Photoshop without having a breakdown: It ain’t InDesign (or even Illustrator) but sometimes we need to work with text in Photoshop!
- Design with filters without the result looking like a cheesefest.
- Understand the core blend modes like Multiply, Screen, and Overlay.