Jeannine Armbruster
Jeannine Armbruster is an award-winning designer, director, and teacher. Currently, she steers the creative ship as Agency Director at Puffingston Presentations, an award-winning presentation design agency in Austin, TX.
Since 2008, she has served on both agency and in-house design teams, and from 2014-2018 she ran her independent design practice, Fourth Story, where she specialized in designing websites and brands for startups.
An educator at heart, Jeannine has taught art and design since 2010 and has built programs for schools in NYC, Brooklyn, and Austin, including Columbia University’s Say Yes to Education and the Mary McDowell Friends School. Most recently, she had the privilege of designing and overseeing the full Visual Arts program at The Austin School for the Performing and Visual Arts.
Jeannine volunteers as the Director of Design and Technology for International Student Learning, a nonprofit that unites students globally and provides education and support to students in underserved countries.
At any given time, you might find her bookbinding, woodworking, or teaching high school students how to create prosthetic zombie limbs. Ask her about it sometime.