Creating Interactive PDF
Friday, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Did you know you could super charge that plain old PDF right within InDesign? From adding simple links and other interactivity, to adding working forms, you can easily make that PDF a more interactive experience for your users. In this session, you’ll explore the different tools and methods both InDesign and Acrobat have for adding interactive elements to your PDF. You’ll also see the best ways to add some amazing functionality to that plain old PDF, like the following:
- Understand the interactive features you can add to a PDF in InDesign and Acrobat
- Best practices for optimizing PDF
- Work with scripts in InDesign to make creating PDF faster (and easier)
- Add a working form in InDesign
- Show and hide content and other tricks
- Make the PDF more interactive with video and sound
- Continue in Acrobat and get an idea for what’s possible beyond InDesign