Illustrator Magic (a.k.a. Harry Plotter and the Claimer Of Secrets)

Monday, June 02

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Phoenix, AZ (UTC-7)

Join Tony Harmer for a fun, fast-paced session where he’ll show you some Illustrator wizardry. You’ll see how to use Illustrator’s tools, functions and commands to make your work so slick that to the casual observer you look like you’ve got magic superpowers. Magic-level-proficiency in Illustrator is gained by confidence in the application based on some solid fundamental understandings—which maybe 95% of Illustrator users NEVER get to learn! In this session you will stop acting like the sorcerer’s apprentice and enrol at Snogwarts Academy of Illustrator Magic.

Topics include:

  • Transformatio! The power of transforms
  • Changealthees! Making super-fast changes
  • Selectionus! The art of seemingly-effortless selection
  • Amazio! Using Illustrator’s mystical appearance powers
  • Wowseramus! The tools to create almost-instant magic
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