Beautiful Typography for Presentations
Friday, 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Business people who are taught PowerPoint/Keynote skills rarely look at the beautiful world of typography, with all of it’s history and influence. As graphic designers we adore type and recognize that it can make or break the effectiveness of a communication piece.
Standard typographic features such as leading and kerning are staples to InDesign, but how do we use them in programs like PowerPoint? And what new typographic opportunities (and challenges) might we have to think about when the typography moves? How can we create builds that integrate with type to engage audiences and peak their interests?
During this session we’ll look at all the controls, and share some ideas to boost your signal when presenting content with type, including:
- Learn how to adjust type for improved legibility
- Create emphasis and order without defaulting to bullets
- Integrating with themes in your presentation
- Use slide master’s parent type format to improve design for common users
- Awesome use-cases to introduce typography in presentation design
- Making type move for visual impact