Dov Isaacs
Dov Isaacs is a Principal Scientist at Adobe Systems Incorporated. A 28-year veteran of Adobe, he has responsibility for end-to-end PDF publishing workflow and product interoperability issues. Dov also serves as Adobe’s representative to the Ghent Workgroup and several ISO TC130 committees associated with print industry standards including PDF/X and PDF/VT for which he serves as the chairperson and co-chairperson respectively.
Dov also monitors numerous InDesign, PDF, prepress, and printing e-mail lists and user forums. He not only contributes advice and solutions, especially in the area of printing and PDF workflow, but also uses issues raised and problems identified as feedback for Adobe development.
Previously, Dov founded Adobe’s corporate product interoperability group and also served in other engineering and marketing management positions within Adobe including serving seven years as Director of Quality Assurance for Adobe’s PostScript printing and driver products. Prior to Adobe, he served in engineering management positions in the areas of laser printer, office automation systems, and computer operating system development. Dov Isaacs received his PhD in Computer Science from the Ohio State University as well as an MBA in management systems from Cornell University, and a BS in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.