Using InDesign for Presentations
Tuesday, 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm
Presentation design has, for decades, been owned by PowerPoint and, more recently, Keynote. These days there are many options for presentation design, and one of the most excellent tools is right in front of us: InDesign has grown into far more than just a print layout application. With the addition of animation tools, online publishing, fixed-layout EPUB, HTML5 export and more, InDesign can now be a powerful tool for presentation design.
In fact, InDesign offers some advantages that make it a unique solution for presentation design projects. In this session Mark will show you some ways you use presentation design solutions inside of InDesign.
For example, Nancy Duarte coined the term “slideument” in one of her books. It’s something that looks like a presentation but is treated like a document. InDesign may be the perfect tool for building these communication pieces that can be shared on many platforms.
Topics include:
- Defining presentation design, and the role we play as professional creatives
- Going beyond the page, and looking at layouts in a new way
- Using styles in InDesign for rapid design changes
- Best options for export formats
- Converting InDesign to PPT or Keynote, when your client requires it
- Presentation design thinking that overcomes the “death by powerpoint” mindset