Three-minute solutions from CreativePro Week 2020 to increase your efficiency

Three Minutes Max is a fun—and competitive—session at our annual CreativePro Week conference. Here’s how it works: speakers have three minutes to wow the audience with their best Photoshop, PowerPoint, InDesign, or Illustrator power moves, and attendees vote on which expert’s tip is the best.

For more sessions like this, join us May 17–21, 2021 at CreativePro Week: An Online Event. With Early Bird pricing ending this Friday, March 19, here’s a taste of what you’ll learn at this year’s event:

Maintain Multiple Layouts in One InDesign Document

Erica Gamet quickly runs down how to style the different layouts, make editorial changes, and export to both print and digital versions.

Recolor Product Artwork in Photoshop

Lisa Carney shows off a technique to give you an easy way to create multiple color versions of products. Best of all, there’s no need to mask anything!

Add Grunge to Vector Artwork in Illustrator

Von Glitschka shows off a quick way to make vector art look a little less clean. He adds grunge using bitmapped artwork then converts it to vectors to create a more organic—and screenprinter-ready—design.

Flexible Paragraph Rules in PowerPoint

Nolan Haims shows off a quick tip on creating flexible and adjustable paragraph rules in PowerPoint. This rule can sit to the side, above, or below text, and can size and move with the text frame it’s associated with.

And don’t forget — Early Bird pricing ends Friday, March 19Register now to save up to 20%.