Straight Facts About Photoshop Vectors

Tuesday, May 10

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Phoenix, AZ (UTC-7)

We all know that Photoshop is primarily an image editor, designed to work with pixels, but what about vector content? In this session, Theresa Jackson shows you everything you need to know about vectors in Photoshop. You will learn when and why to use vectors instead of pixels, how to retain vector content, when vectors can be output from Photoshop, and how do it.

Topics include:

  • When and why use vectors
  • Warping text while retaining vector paths
  • Pen tool, paths, vector masks, shape layers, custom shapes and path operations
  • Working with Illustrator Smart Objects
  • Using the new paste shapes to retain appearances feature
  • Outputting vectors from Photoshop (when it works and when it doesn’t!)
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