The Digital Print Convergence

Doris Brown-McNally

ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.

The Digital Print Convergence

Thursday, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Print no longer means just “ink on paper.” Today it means creating an engaging experience that spans from the physical to the digital. Through the use of digital printers, and print-to-digital handoffs, you now have the power to blend technologies in ways never possible before.

  • Building triggers into your printed materials (from QR to full page recognition)
  • Creating mixed-reality (AR/VR) pathways from print
  • Hybrid traditional printing/digital printing workflows

Visualizing Data

Nolan Haims

ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.

Visualizing Data

Thursday, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Poor data design leads to overly complicated charts that take too long to understand and steal valuable time from your audiences. Worse, a careless approach to visualizing data can lead to misinterpretation of the messages you are trying to communicate.

This session will focus on fundamental design and data visualization principles to help significantly improve the effectiveness of your charts and communicate the story of your data as efficiently as possible.

We will cover:

  • Reducing color and adding emphasis
  • Identifying and removing “chart junk”
  • Why legends are so bad and how to get along without them
  • Solutions for complex data sets

Creating Files That Work for Others

Julie Terberg

ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.

Creating Files That Work for Others

Thursday, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Imagine sharing your beautifully designed and painstakingly crafted InDesign or Illustrator files with your client, knowing that they will edit the files on their own. Sounds like a nightmare, right? For presentation designers, this is the reality for almost every project! You hand over your work knowing full well that it may be changed by someone else—sometimes dramatically!

In this session, you’ll learn how to construct and prepare presentations for sharing and editing beyond your system. We’ll focus on PowerPoint files, with some specific tips for Keynote and Google Slides users.

This session will include:

  • The difference between final files and templates
  • Choosing fonts for different scenarios
  • Setting up theme elements
  • Converting graphics from Illustrator
  • Creating custom layouts and off-slide instructions
  • Trimming bloated file sizes

Let’s Keep it Legal

Terry Hart

ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.

Let’s Keep it Legal

Thursday, 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm

An overview and introduction to basic copyright issues for graphic designers, marketing/communications managers, and publishers. Join copyright lawyer Terry Hart from the Copyright Alliance as he explains what you need to know to help you protect your works, and how to not get in trouble for using other people’s work.


  • how to protect your works though copyright
  • how to avoid getting sued for using someone else’s works
  • when it is ok to use works without permission, including the fair use defense
  • when you can take things from the Internet and when you can’t, including blogs, Facebook, twitter and other social media
  • Creative Commons licenses
  • Other issues to be aware of — e.g., trademark and right of publicity
  • knowing when you can do it yourself, and when you need an attorney

The Phantom of the Keynote: How Invisible Work Makes Success Possible

Darlene Shelton

ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.

The Phantom of the Keynote: How Invisible Work Makes Success Possible

Thursday, 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm

Presentations start long before the presenter gets on stage, before dazzling audiences, and long before anyone is getting standing ovations. Join Darlene as she takes you behind the curtain to the deep dark cavern where light-fearing presentation designers do their best work. In this session, you will learn about the invisible work, the thankless jobs that are unsexy, but critical to the success of any presentation or event, big or small.

This session will focus on Keynote in areas but the methodology is the same throughout all applications.

You will learn:

  • What tools are needed to make sure presentations remain on brand and consistent.
  • How to prioritize work for maximum productivity, and for sharing with other designers.
  • What quality control tools you should implement today.
  • Darlene’s Super Special Bonus Keynote Tricks!

Storyboarding and Crafting Visual Stories for Presentations

Richard Goring

ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.

Storyboarding and Crafting Visual Stories for Presentations

Thursday, 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm

There’s much research that shows people remember more from presentations when visuals are used. Yet most of the time you, and everyone else, experience “bullet point hell.” This session looks at ways to improve your slides visually and get away from Death by PowerPoint (or any other presentation tool). Learn how to make your content more visual, using the right diagram to illustrate and bring your points to life. That means your audience starts paying attention, and understands what you want to tell them, even when it’s pretty complicated. And ultimately it means that your communication is more effective.

Hidden Features in Adobe Acrobat

Leonard Rosenthol

ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.

Hidden Features in Adobe Acrobat

Thursday, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

During this session, Adobe’s Senior Principal Architect for PDF and the Document Cloud will take you on a tour of some of Acrobat’s secret passageways. Learn about a variety of features that you probably never knew were hiding behind the scenes, but that will make you more productive with your PDFs. We’ll look into editing, preflighting, working with multi-page documents, and more.

And because most users are also heavy users of mobile devices, a look into Adobe Acrobat for Mobile and Adobe Scan will also be featured. Finally, you’ll be taken on a journey to the future to see some Adobe Magic coming soon.

Beautiful Type for Presentation Design

Julie Terberg

ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.

Beautiful Type for Presentation Design

Thursday, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Good typography can make or break any design effort, including presentation design. Successful presentations rely on great type to help convey information to an audience.

It is possible to take control over type in PowerPoint. In this session you’ll learn how to go beyond the default settings—and beyond boring Arial or Calibri fonts—to create beautiful type in your presentations. We’ll cover:

  • What fonts work best for presentations? What fonts should you avoid?
  • How to set up new Theme fonts and how to embed fonts for sharing files
  • Guidance for presentation text, including sizes, styles, capitalization, numerals, etc.
  • Tips for custom formatting (yes, you can do things like kerning and leading in PowerPoint)

Presentation Design and eLearning

Bianca Woods

ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.

Presentation Design and eLearning

Thursday, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Presentation and eLearning design may seem like distinctly different careers at first glance, but the core skills that go into them have a surprising amount of overlap with each other—and also the world of graphic design. Because of that, both these areas can prove to be intriguing alternative career paths for a person with strong visual design skills. But what other skills do you need to build to work successfully in these fields and what different challenges might you face in them?

In this session you’ll get a behind the scenes look at what careers in presentation and eLearning design entail. You’ll find out what defines these fields and the variety of ways one can work within them. You’ll discover what graphic, presentation, and eLearning design have in common and where they differ. You’ll also get a preview of some of the most frequent roadblocks designers face when working in these fields and what strategies can help you overcome them. Whether you’re new to presentation and eLearning design or have already started working in those fields, you’ll walk away with a better understanding of how to use your design skills in both of these worlds and position them to help you to stand out from the crowd.

In this session you will learn:

  • What gaps in the presentation and eLearning design fields graphic designers have the unique skills to fill
  • What additional skills graphics designers may want to build to better succeed in these fields
  • How the ways people learn may shift your eLearning and presentation design decisions
  • What resources can help you go even deeper into the worlds of presentation and eLearning design

PDF: Mobile and Other Challenges

Duff Johnson

ARCHIVE: This session was presented at CreativePro Week 2019 in Seattle.

PDF: Mobile and Other Challenges

Thursday, 11:15 am – 11:45 am

PDF: You can’t live with it, and you can’t live without it, right?! On the one hand, PDFs take a lot of creative energy to do well, but they just don’t seem to play nicely with web content. On the other hand, web content isn’t especially well-suited for a wide range of necessary use cases and workflows.

Come join the ISO Project Leader for the PDF specification as he explores PDF features (and limitations!), and points the way towards emerging technologies and techniques that will revolutionize what you thought you knew about PDF.